Title: CANCELLED Part 1 - Introduction to The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care: Live Virtual
Date: 10/04/2023 - 10/05/2023
Duration: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Days: 2 Days
Location (Region): Online
Location Name: Live Virtual
Registration link: http://www.njccis.com/
Training Description: NJCCIS Event ID: 137984

This virtual training is facilitated over a video conferencing program. During this interactive two-day live virtual training, participants will explore the comprehensive, research-based Family Child Care curriculum that addresses the specific needs of the family child care community. Participants will explore the curriculum volumes and the Daily Resources in order to plan and implement meaningful routines and intentional experiences for all the children in their care. We strongly recommend that participants complete this training before taking Part 2 of Family Child Care, Parts 3-4 of Infants, Toddlers & Twos or Preschool, Introduction to GOLD or advanced sessions.