Title: Keeping Babies & Children in Mind: Workshop #2 of 7: Desarrollo en la Primera Infancia: Relacional, Emocional y Social
Date: 01/25/2023 - 01/25/2023
Duration: 6 pm - 9 pm
Days: 1 Days
Location (Region): Online
Location Name: ONLINE
Registration link: http://www.njccis.com/
Training Description: **This training is delivered in Spanish**
The ‘Keeping Babies and Children in Mind’ series is comprised of seven, three-hour workshops.

These workshops promote awareness about the unique social and emotional development of our youngest children, the importance of reflective caregiving and parenting towards building resilience, and the centrality of forming relationships and social connections in practice. Although the workshops are designed to be taken in order, each workshop will be able to stand alone.

Program Note: The KBCM curriculum has just undergone recent revisions and redesign, including changes in content and visual layout. The general content across the series is quite similar, but if you have taken the series in the past, you are welcome to take it again to see the updates.

Use the following Event ID #s to register on NJCCIS: #1: Event ID 134325, #2: Event ID 134326, #3: Event ID 134327, #4: Event ID 134328, #5: Event ID 134329, #6: Event ID 134330, #7: Event ID 134331

The NJ Workforce Registry (NJCCIS) website: https://www.njccis.com/njccis/login
(NOTE: Type ONLY the Event ID #, one at a time, into the search field and each workshop will be the sole result)

If you have any questions or need assistance, PLEASE contact our team at: EMAIL: [email protected]