Title: CANCELLED_Foundations of the HighScope Curriculum: Preschool: Live Virtual
Date: 12/11/2023 - 12/15/2023
Duration: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Days: 5 Days
Location (Region): Online
Location Name: Live Virtual
Registration link: http://www.njccis.com/
Training Description: NJCCIS Event ID: 139011

This virtual training is facilitated over a video conferencing program. This five-day live virtual training session explains the basic elements of the HighScope® Curriclulum: Preschool. Three days of the workshop will be facilitated by a live online trainer, with an additional two days of independent course work. Course work assignments need to be submitted to the trainer on their due dates during the week. Emphasis is placed on the learning environment, active learning, Plan-Do-Review, and Small Group Time.  Copies of the training materials as well as Essentials of Active Learning in Preschool will be mailed to participants prior to the course start date.