Title: CANCELLED HighScope Working in Teams with Parents & Caregivers: Infant/Toddler Advanced Training
Date: 04/16/2020 - 04/17/2020
Duration: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Days: 2 Days
Location (Region): Central
Location Name: Neighborhood House - East
33 Westervelt Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07060
Registration link: http://www.njccis.com/
Training Description: This event is subject to rescheduling based on emerging health and safety concerns. Please monitor your email for future training updates. 

NJCCIS Event ID: 123202

This course is for teachers and caregivers who have already completed the introductory series (Class IDs: 89771, 89772, 89774) or foundation course for HighScope  Infant/Toddler (Class ID: 100434). Participants in this two-day workshop will examine caregiver team strategies including ways to remain together from one year to the next, communicate openly, share team responsibilities, and plan together around daily child observations. Participants will look at ways to form partnerships with parents by recognizing role separation and focusing on parents’ strengths. They will discuss strategies for creating family-friendly programs and regularly exchanging child observations with parents. Participants should plan to bring the following to training: sweater or light jacket; notebook and pen; lunch (or plan to purchase lunch at a local eatery).